Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good Enough to Eat!

As most of my customers know, I save my ribbon and trim end cuts from my shop inventory, and when I mail out packages to my customers I often include these little ribbon samples. It is nice if someone can use the piece that I send, but I also want them to be able to see the beautiful quality and colors of the trims first hand. The other day I got a message from Kia over at or visit her own website at with a link to this beautiful little felt faux cake she created. She used the velvet ric rac sample I sent her as the icing on this delectable little cake! I have to say I think the sliced strawberry on top is my favorite, my mouth is watering right now! I have said it before and I will say it again, it always amazes me how I can look day after day at these fabulous trims, and still be surprized by the wonderful imaginations of others and how they see the same materials and how they can put them together in a new and totally different way! Visit Kia's shop now, I see from her announcement that she is going to be closed for a couple of months, and her creations are just heavenly! You won't want to miss them!!! I want to add that I used her photo here with her permission, beautiful details!

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